
Colossal cave adventure magic words
Colossal cave adventure magic words

Causes the player to teleport between Debris Room and WellHouse building if used in either of those rooms. XYZZY – Acquiring by using the EYE cursor on the XYZZY rock in Debris Room of CobbleCrawl.They are used from the inventory in our game, but only work if you’re in the proper room: There are four magic words in this game, and each has a special purpose.

colossal cave adventure magic words

Using the magic words (XYZZY, PLUGH, Plover, FEE FIE FOE FOO) When depositing the Ming Vase, be sure to drop the Velvet Pillow first or it will break. While standing in the WellHouse building, drop the treasure from inventory and it will automatically teleport to its home in the room. In order to bring the Gold Nugget back to WellHouse, you have to use PLUGH in Y2.ĭepositing treasures in WellHouse building You can’t (through intended means, anyways). Use the HAND cursor again to punch the dragon asleep (nothing dies in this game, he’s fine!).

colossal cave adventure magic words

The narrator will remind you that only a fool would attempt to kill a dragon with your bare hands. When the dragon is standing in front of you, use the HAND cursor on it. If you do this and then allow the dragon in Secret Canyon to incinerate the bird, the game cannot be completed. There is a chance that the snake will allow you to pass. Note: The SW exit of Hall of the Mountain King (to Secret Canyon) is only blocked by the snake sometimes. The snake in the Hall of the Mountain King must be scared away by clicking on it with the caged bird or dropping the caged bird on the ground in front of it. Getting past the snake in Hall of Mtn King The crystal bridge will also vanish when the cave is closing. Clicking on the bridge with the Black Rod will cause it to vanish. You are able to recollect the Black Rod after the bird is captured.Ĭlicking on the fissure with the Black Rod from CobbleCrawl’s Debris Room will cause a crystal bridge to appear. If you are not carrying the Block Rod, clicking on the bird using the Wicker Cage (from the start of CobbleCrawl) will capture it. The bird will be scared if you are currently carrying the Black Rod from Debris Room in CobbleCrawl. While carrying a lit lantern, you will not die in dark rooms. The lantern (in the WellHouse building) can be turned on by clicking on it in the inventory and choosing to turn it on. If you walk in a dark room, you are very likely to die. The WellHouse grate is unlocked with the keys in WellHouse building. They are roughly sorted in order, but since this is a very open game after you get past the Hall of the Mountain King, that won’t be true for very long. You cannot consider yourself a true adventurer until you've played this game.This is a list of all of the potential snags that I can think of. It has a verb-noun parser, minimal detail, two big annoying mazes, magic words, nonsense puzzles, and occasional death without warning. Ignoring the profound historical significance for a moment, it's a treasure hunt in a cave, like most of the early adventures (including Zork). A detailed description of this game's history and significance can be found in Graham Nelson's "The Craft of Adventure". Without it, Infocom would have been just another maker of business software, Sierra On-line would be primarily known for adaptations of coin-op video game. This was the first adventure game the whole genre is named after it.

colossal cave adventure magic words

Ported to the Commodore 128 for 40/80 Column by Lee Burt aka Thanatos916. Colossal Cave Adventure, aka Adventure, the original 350 points version ported to Inform by Graham Nelson, based on Dave Baggett's TADS reconstruction Colossal Cave Revisited.

Colossal cave adventure magic words